Tuesday, 24 July 2007


This one is an interesting article which I read in www.ted.com.

Every one in this galaxy loves to live longer than he/she expects. "Aubrey de Grey" a computer scientist and biogerontologist, believes humans could live for centuries. He claims he has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging. He provocatively proposes that the first human beings who will live to 1,000 years old have already been born. Thats interesting isn't. Of course who wants to die and lose the precious life.

This link leads to a video footage of Aubrey de Grey explaining this in less than twenty minutes time.

Friday, 20 July 2007


My first blog, My first posting, My first writing, My first thread.

I am very happy, atleast now I have "Started". Obviously you need to be inspired by someone to start something good, and we need to mention that as well at one point. Yes, my inspiration for this "Start" is
Balaji Anbil Srinivasan. A person who dream big and execute some of them. You can visualize those dreams in his blogs. Thanks Balaji....

Balaji is my wife's family friend (rather I can say Balaji as her elder brother, she calls her as Anna). So before I thank Balaji for my "Start", I would like to thank my wife for introducing the Big Dream guy to me.

Before finishing my first small post, I would like to thank my Parents, without them I would be definitely not in this position.